Training your dog or cat can give them confidence, help them feel comfortable in different situations, and create a strong bond with you. You can teach your cat and your dog to shake! Training can help solve a behavior problem that makes you and your pet unhappy. Does your dog jump up on people? Does your cat hang out on surfaces that you'd rather she didn't? These training resources may help you solve problem behaviors and have more fun with your pet.

Dog Training
American Humane
Retrieve a Golden of the Midwest
Best Friends
Cat Training
American Humane
Jackson Galaxy
Best Friends
Pam Johnson Bennett

Pet Loss Support Group
This is a support group for those who would like to connect with others experiencing grief over the loss of their beloved pet. This is an opportunity to share your story in a safe and supportive environment. Learn about the grief cycle, along with other resources to help in the grieving process.
How to Start an Animal Rescue Organization
PLEASE NOTE: the following document is specific to starting an organization like Heart2Heart Pet Lifeline, Inc., but the basic principles can be used to start other kinds of animal welfare organizations. Consider what animal services are needed in your community. Are there already several animal rescues? Is there a need for another one? What other services could benefit pet owners and their best friends? Help with veterinary care? A pet food bank? Spay or neutering assistance? Help with building fences to keep dogs off chains? What is most doable to help keep animals out of shelters in in loving homes.
Get started:
1. Assemble a group of people interested in exploring a new animal welfare group.
2. Create bylaws. Here are Heart2Heart’s. Feel free to use them to write your own. https://www.heart2heartpet.org/_files/ugd/cdbb23_0b6df76f932a463eaaae7acc5f672361.pdf
3. Apply for recognition as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) using form 1023-EZ. https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-1023-ez Organizations that qualify as public charities under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) are eligible for federal exemption from payment of corporate income tax. Once exempt from this tax, the nonprofit will usually be exempt from similar state and local taxes. If an organization has obtained 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, your donors’ charitable contributions are tax-deductible.
4. Determine your focus, what service(s) you want to provide, how much you will allocate for each client, and your eligibility guidelines. https://www.heart2heartpet.org/grants
5. How will you interface with clients? If you can establish a working relationship with a local humane society this may be the best way help your clients in a timely manner. It’s a win-win for both of you as they are a known entity in your area where pet owners may come for help or surrender. Their assistance with your applications and grant approval will help to keep animals from being surrendered and will ease the burden of the shelter.
6. Fund raising. Start raising money when you have all of the above established. Heart2Heart started with personal donations from our board members and kicked off a GoFundMe initiative. You can also hold bake sales, craft shows, fund raisers at local events, requests to local businesses for support.
7. Once you have raised what you feel is enough money to get started, get the word out about your services. Set up a web page and/or Facebook page. Send out letters to local and area veterinarians introducing your organization and eliciting their cooperation with identifying and referring clients who need help. Contact local social service organizations. Set up a table at local events to talk to residents and tell
them about your new organization. Create handouts or flyers to post and distribute.
8. Hold regular board meetings to evaluate your progress and tweak your policies and procedures.
Veterinary Support
Is your pet feeling not quite right? Seem to be really sick? The first step is to call your veterinarian. If you don't have a vet, you can contact Coulee Region Humane Society to find out about qualifying for financial help from Heart2Heart Pet Lifeline so that you can get help for your pet. If you just have general questions about your pet's health care needs, such as safe flea baths, or how to clean up a urine stain, try these resources for information:

​​​​Animal Humane
Fetch by Web MD
Best Friends
Spay/Neuter Assistance
"Fixing" your pet may not only reduce the number of animals who enter shelters, but they may also prevent medical and behavioral problems from developing in a cat or dog, allowing your pet to lead a longer, healthier and happier life. These resource may help you find the financial resources you need to spay or neuter your pet.

​Alter-Ations Inc and the CATsNIP Clinic
97 Central Ave, PO Box 104, Coon Valley WI 54623. 608-606-3070
Additional Spay Neuter Assitance programs can be found at: https://catsnipclinic.org/assistance-information/
Coulee Region Humane Society
Spay Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP)
Spay-Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) is offered by the Coulee Region Humane Society to low income La Crosse County residents to assist with spaying and neutering their cats and/or dogs.
911 Critter Court
Onalaska WI 54650